Do you ever feel like you don't get enough credit for your type work‽ Josh and Kyle would like to give you the credit you deserve, seeing as attribution in the type world seems to, well, not really be a thing.
Read MoreHave you ever been worried about sacrificing your artistic principles for a job‽ Josh and Kyle tackle the idea of "selling out" in type and realize that it may simultaneously be inevitable and not really a problem in type.
Read MoreWhere can you turn when you don't know when to use a certain font‽ Let's Google it!
Read MoreDon't you think that with great fonts comes great responsibility‽ Josh wants to know how many fonts is too many fonts to use in a single design, and Kyle has some examples of "the power of type", how typography is used for social good in the world.
Read MoreDo you remember your earliest interaction with typography‽ While a love of typography may have crept its way into your heart over time, it probably was in spite of your time getting an education instead of because of it.
Read MoreWhat should happen to the fonts of days gone by‽ The guys first look to the stars and hope to find some answers from fonts named after their astrological signs. Finding no luck there, they decide it's time to hang it up and discuss font retirement.
Read MoreHow big of a head do you need to make it as a type designer‽ It's Season Two, and Josh and Kyle kick it off with some early 2022 releases and dream about which typeface they would want to spend the rest of their lives with (don't tell their wives).
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